With 11 days to go until the release of Planet of Souls I thought it might be a good idea to update folks on my plans for the first full series of Christel Doctor Who that will follow this years four specials into 2010. The series will run to 13 episodes, like real WHO and involve 3 two-part stories, although this is subject to change. I have the story arc for the series completed and I'm quite pleased with how it has come together.
As I am nearly finished writing the final special I should be able to start writing for the series in earnest around mid-November early December time. In terms of companions for the Doctor in Series 1 i'm going to break the mould a little and give him two companions for the majority of the series, a man and a woman.
I can reveal that there will be a trailer for the first half of series 1 at the end of the final special this year so you have that to look forward to.
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