Chapter 2
Wembley Stadium London
July 12th 1986
The ever legendary voice of Freddy Mercury filled Wembley stadium with its trademark ease. Before him and his band members were a full 80,000 worshippers of the pop music juggernaught that was Queen. As the many thousands looked on lovingly it was in one of the janitors large dark cupboards on the East side of Wembley stadium that another sound began to emerge; a piercing wheezing sound, the sound of an entity grinding into existence, forcing its presence onto the world around it.
After what seemed a long and painful experience the once seemingly large cupboard was now home to what by sight appeared to be a 1950’s London police box but infact was the last time ship of the planet Gallifrey, The TARDIS.
In a typically energetic fashion the Doctor bolted from the door of his beloved ship only to find himself locked in the cupboard where the TARDIS had landed. Knowing full well that Donna would not be at all impressed at his inaccurate landing he set to work quickly with his trusted sonic screwdriver on the locked door.
However, with timing that only Donna had just as the Doctor had drawn his screwdriver from his pocket he heard Donna’s standard ‘What have you got us into this time’ insult ring throughout the small stock cupboard, “Well that’s just Wizard!!”
He turned to see Donna Noble leaning against the other unopened door of the TARDIS adorned in what he could only describe as a shrine to the band Queen, “We come millions of light years across time and space to see the greatest band that ever was and not only do you get the year wrong…twice…when you finally get it wrong you land us in a locked stock cupboard.”
“Trying to unlock a door here” The Doctor snapped back knowing immediately that he had said the wrong thing,
“Well excuse me for actually thinking that a time machine getting stuck in a cupboard in 1986 isnt rather lame”. Donna was blatantly trying to get a rise out the timelord but instead he turned and cocked a wry smile as the door to the corridor swung free and the music that up until now had been muffled flowed in and filled the room. Donna’s mood changing with lightening speed and she bolted from the TARDIS door past the doctor, pecking him on the cheek as she went, “Come on she shouted I love this one.”
“So you see when they rebuild this in 2056 they get the towers on the wrong side.” The Doctor finished knowing full well that Donna was completely ignoring him. She staggered down the service corridor as though she was blind drunk, covered from head to toe in sweat and obviously having had a very good time.
“My god” Donna interjected, “don’t you ever just enjoy yourself?”
“Oh yeah…” replied the Doctor and sneakly peeled back the collar of his shirt to reveal a queen medallion and t-shirt. Donna let out her trademark cackle.
“1986” remarked the Doctor, “They’re at their hieight” he explained, “this is a sell out, they go on to play all over the world to millions…mind you that’s about all that does happen this year…you see pretty boring 1986…mind you it was declared the international year of peace by the UN….” His sentence tailed off as he noticed that Donna had been left a few feet behind studying something that she had found, her expression was now one of a cold seriousness, “International year of peace hey?” she questioned.
The Doctor never liked her direct tone, she had an uncanny knack of finding trouble and he feared she had hit the jackpot this time. As the Doctor scanned the newspaper article that she was referring to he instantly clocked a number of details that weren’t right. As Donna spoke she provided a voice over for the exact thoughts that he was having,
“Attempted murder…two suspects….fighting each other….robots from the future”. He twisted his face into an expression of disbelief and mockery. Donna looked back unsure of how to take the news.
“Whackooo” she remarked obviously not believing the sensational story that she had stumbled upon. However when the Doctor did not change the sullen look that was creepiong across his face she knew that something was wrong.
“mmmmm….perhaps…but that’s just a bit too weird, even for the 1980’s”
“Oh don’t look like that” remarked Donna, “not know, you said we could have a holiday, planet of diamonds…relaxtion….no potato men….no lava men”
“Yeah…” replied the Doctor thoughtfully,
“Oh great” quipped Donna knowing instantly that he wanted to investigate.
“Where to then?”
“Theres some record offices around here, we’ll start there” said the Doctor and he turned at an electrifying pace and took off in the opposite direction, “Bring the article” he barked at her, “I dunno why ya botherin” she shouted back, “Theres bound to be loads Sarah Connors…”
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