Wednesday, 30 December 2009
2000 Hits!
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
How would I do the End of Time Part 2 (part2)?
Monday, 28 December 2009
Christel Doctor Who : The Specials
Watch Christel Doctor Who Grand Designs in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at
Watch The Planet of Souls in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at
Watch Christel Doctor Who Day of the Daleks in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at
Watch Endgame in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at
Sunday, 27 December 2009
How would I do the End of Time Part 2?
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Christel Doctor Who : Endgame
Watch Endgame in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at
Endgame - Uploading as we speak
Monday, 21 December 2009
Endgame - 2 Days to go
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Endgame - The Final Countdown
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Doctor Who : Salvation (Chapter 3)

Chapter 3
Sierra Nevada Mountains
July 23rd 2004
The downdraft from the chopper blades battered Robert Brewster as he and his compliment of 5 men departed form their transport over the harsh environment of the Sierra Nevada mountains. As a newly promoted Leuitenant Brewster had been given his first ‘mission’ to lead and right up until the point when he actually found out what it would entail he could not hide his excitement.
A clean up job. An old nuclear bunker left over form the days of the cold war was in dire need of shutting down and disbanding and his first job was to lead a squad of men to do it. As he trudged across the sand towards the huge metal doors embedded into the mountain side he could almost hear the thoughts of the heavily armed men that were accompanying him and had it not been for reports of gun fire and looting taking place in the bunker he concluded that he wouldn’t have been here at all.
It took the electricals expert, a man named Tyson a mere number of seconds to jar open the control panel for the big metal access doors rewire an old system and bring the door circuits back online. The doors shuddered and groaned with a tone that beiffted their age perfectely. Brewster didn’t know at this point what he was more scared of; the fact that there might actually be somebody in this run down base or that the men he was with were thinking of ways to kill him inauspiciously to avoid the embarrassment of being sent on such an assigment.
As the party entered the access tunnel to the main bunker the men began to chip in with cheeky and dis-respectful jibes about the possibility of there being ghosts and aliens in the bunker. Brewster let the men chunter for a while and then pulled rank with a simple signal of his hand. The men stopped their joking and moved towards the huge steel door that gave access to the bunker.
Within minutes of having arrived at the door Tyson had again worked his magic and the 8foot thick steel door was sliding open. The sight that met Brewster was uninspiring to say the least.
The bunker was bathed in a weak light that had managed to flicker into being when the door creaked open and apart from the mediocore quality of the presidential platform (designed for the president to address the world after the onslaught of nuclear holocaust) the bunker was dead. The only solace for Brewster was that the men turned their jibes towards the 1970’s computer equipment and outdated cameras instead of him.
3 hours after they had entered the bunker the men had successfully managed to rig up a rudimentary lighting system and had begun breaking up the computer equipment ready for the large transport helicopters that would be arriving within the hour to begin the clear out. Brewster was stood in what must have been the main office when he heard a noise, a noise that at first he dismissed as utterly impossible, but as he turned his head expecting to see one of the soldiers messing about he was shocked by the sight that greeted him. In the office right in front of him stood his daughter Kate…however she was different, her clothes were battered and her face scared. Brewster rubbed his eyes in dis-belief and yet when he opened his eyes she was still there. The only difference this time was that she was shouting, or at least she appeared to be shouting loudly but he could not hear her. He fell back in his seat, shocked at what he was seeing, he called out to her but she did not respond.
He was only sure of her existence at all when Tyson rounded the door of the office and stopped dead in his tracks with his gun held high. Sensing the fear in the eys of his commanding officer he looked Kate up and down, ‘sir…’ the nervousness in his voice shook the room around him ‘sir…isn’t that….’
‘My daughter…’ Brewster confirmed Tysons worst fears but before he could say anymore Kates expression changed.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Christel Doctor Who Endgame Synopsis

With just 15 days left now until the release of Endgame I thought that a post in the style of an episode synopsis may be the order of the day; firstly to help remind people of the story and secondly to tease you with new titbits from endgame...