With the first two episodes having been released I am pleased to see that I have received very good reviews so far. The episodes have definitely increased traffic to the site, I got three hundred alone over the course of last weekend, which is always good.
I am always pleased to hear peoples opinions on the episodes and I agree with the comments about some of the subtitles not being on screen long enough to read...henceforth I shall be attempting to remedy this from episode 4 onwards...as I have pretty much completed episode 3 now.
I also hope people have been watching carefully as there have already been a few minor referrences and glimpses of new and different story arcs that I shall attempt to weave into the overall arc. Thank you again for the support and I am truly appreciative of the comments and constructive critiques., it has been an honour to have bloggers such as blink, Dan Harma, Nebula 1 and patar as well as many others watching the episodes and long may that continue. Be sure to keep checking back later on this week for more episode three snippets and information.
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