Wednesday 26 May 2010

A.R.N.I.E Snippets and Information

With episode 6, A.R.N.I.E. being released at the weekend I am posting with the episode snippets, however firstly I need to point out that this episode is going to feel like Victory of the Daleks, namely like it should have a part 2, it won't get a part two but this is done for a reason which you will find out very soon. Secondly, this episode also has a lot of references to a number of different story arcs and may leave some people a tad confused, this really isn't the intention but I want it to be an episode that can be watched for a second time at a later date and viewed as key to many different stories.

Enjoy this week snippets,

1. ARNIE knows the Doctor, but the Doctor does not know ARNIE.

2. A flashback scene, and it had to be done, but there is something very strange at the end. Very strange indeed!

3. ARNIE has a neural perception filter, which means people see what they want to see, this proves quite interesting whilst he is walking down the street with Timothy.

4. Stunt driver Doctor!

5. TAXI!! (I'm afraid its another 'keep watching until the end' moment, but hopefully you'll like it)

And episode 6 will bring us to the halfway point in the series and therefore mean the three week mid season break will kick in. I shall be using this time to finish scripts for the remaining episodes and make announcements about other Christel Doctor Who related projects. There will not be a 'next time' trailer at the end of ARNIE but there will be 2, yes 2, mid season trailers released during the mid-season break.

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