Firstly, The series will consist of six episodes of approximately 8-10 minutes in length. I am playing around with presenting them in a comic-book fashion at the moment, meaning they would still be in the same style as Christel Doctor Who but with a twist to seperate them as well.
Of these six episodes there will be two-two part stories and two single stories, I have mainly done this because of the 8-10 minute episode length and the fact that It is difficult to get story telling into that amount of time.
Now on the big news...The Companion! Regular Christel Doctor Who viewers will know that The TARDIS crew left Roger Parris (The police Sargeant that Tabitha Knows who appeared in episodes 1 and 7) with ARNIE at the end of episode 7 (Hotel Gothika) and so it probably comes as no suprise that PARRIS will become ARNIE' fulltime companion in the series.
As far as the story arc and individual episodes go I have them 99% finished and ready to put into production. I have tried to stay fresh and so only very rarely will there be Doctor Who monsters popping up in ARNIE's series. I am afraid that this goes for the Doctor as well. I want this series to stand on its own two feet from the start. Mind, that doesn't rule out a crossover later on.
In terms of release I really cannot put a firm date on it yet. At the moment I intend to go into production after series 1 of Christel Doctor Who has finished and then release ARNIE's series towards late October or early November. It will then run through to early December and be followed by the Christel Doctor Who Christmas Special.
In other news, Episode 10 is uploading now (Barring another veoh wierdness fest') and should be up on this blog to see later today. As ever, thanks to Blink for the amazing episode covers.
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