I thought it might be nice to do a quick update on what we already know for series 2 of Christel Doctor Who in case anybody has missed the news over the Christmas period. I shall list the episodes in order along with what has been said about them so far. There are some small snippets of new information so make sure you check through carefully...
1. Hearts of Stone
- Weeping Angels return
- Set in the year 2013
- Features a character called Ralph Tunney
- 'Something' is capable of proving a match for the angels.
2. Plight of the Wolflar
- No new info released yet
3. Death on the Line
- Blinks episodes
- Features a train
- The episode asks the Doctor some difficult questions
- Includes characters called Shelia and Arthur Renton
4 and 5. The Horus Heresy and Eye of the Beholder
- Two part story
- The Harmonica, from series 1, are returning
- We see a lot more Harmonica soldiers
- Set in the modern day
6. Memoirs of a Timelord
(New Information)
- Set on the planet Menos IX
- Tabitha and the Doctor meet the Menos monks
- Tabitha does the Doctor a HUGE favor
7. Picnic at Asgard
- Burkeys episode
- River Song features for the first time in Christel Doctor Who
- Very wibbly-wobbly in places
- Set on Asgard (Not surprising really)
- Tabitha wears her sunglasses in hope of getting a tan
10. The Lying old Witch in the Wardrobe
- The Doctor Lite Story
- Last story before the finale
- Some very interesting characters are planned for this story
11, 12 and 13.
- The three part finale
- Obviously seeded throughout the series
- (New Info) The Oracle from the specials, Ida Scott, will make a brief, yet rather important appearance.
I hope that has whetted the appetite once more. I didn't actually realise how much I had given away already about series 2. News about episodes 2, 8 and 9 will follow in the new year. As I am still writing episode 2 I felt I couldn't really divulge any information about it until finished.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Look Whose back
The other day I announced the names of episodes 4 and 5 of series 2 (The Horus Heresy and Eye of the Beholder). Today I am releasing another piece of information about the two episodes that will make up the first two-part story of series 2. The Harmonica are Back!

We first saw the Harmonica super soldiers in episode 3 of series 1, Prince of the West when they were searching for their crown of power which had been stolen by the Grub Angel empire. When we left them they had overthrown the Grub Angels and made the Doctor the guardian of their race as a reward for his help.
The Harmonica are part of the Fourth Great Hope Empire and their defining features are their headbands which are connected directly to their brains and show emotions through colour.
I can't yet reveal what role the Harmonica will play in these two episodes but we will see a lot more of them and learn a little bit more about their powers. Keep checking back for more news on ARNIE episode 2 and the new Christel Doctor Who Series 2 trailer.
Incase you have forgotten what the Harmonica look like, Prince of the West, from series 1 is posted below...
Watch Prince of the West in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

We first saw the Harmonica super soldiers in episode 3 of series 1, Prince of the West when they were searching for their crown of power which had been stolen by the Grub Angel empire. When we left them they had overthrown the Grub Angels and made the Doctor the guardian of their race as a reward for his help.
The Harmonica are part of the Fourth Great Hope Empire and their defining features are their headbands which are connected directly to their brains and show emotions through colour.
I can't yet reveal what role the Harmonica will play in these two episodes but we will see a lot more of them and learn a little bit more about their powers. Keep checking back for more news on ARNIE episode 2 and the new Christel Doctor Who Series 2 trailer.
Incase you have forgotten what the Harmonica look like, Prince of the West, from series 1 is posted below...
Watch Prince of the West in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Episodes 4 and 5 Added.
Today I have added the names for episodes 4 and 5 of Christel Doctor Who Series 2. Entitled, The Horus Heresy and Eye of the Beholder the two episodes make up the first and probably only two part story of the series (The finale is 3 parts don't forget).
I have only written small sections of these episodes but I can tell you that they are absolutely crazy, and should provide a lot of talking points. I hope you all had a good christmas and havent eaten too much, I know I did.
Don't forget, before the new year there will be the second episode of ARNIE and a new cinema length trailer for series 2 of Christel Doctor Who.
I have only written small sections of these episodes but I can tell you that they are absolutely crazy, and should provide a lot of talking points. I hope you all had a good christmas and havent eaten too much, I know I did.
Don't forget, before the new year there will be the second episode of ARNIE and a new cinema length trailer for series 2 of Christel Doctor Who.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Christel Doctor Who of the Week - Regeneration
(Christmas Treat) I already know how the Doctor will regenerate. And I even started seeding tiny pieces of the overall plot that would make this happen into the series as early as series 1. Can you spot them? I'll bet not...not at the moment anyway.
Can I also take this opportunity to thank everybody for their fantastic support and help this year. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!
Friday, 24 December 2010
ARNIE Episode 2 Synopsis

ARNIE being from the future has its advantages...namely he has a good knowledge of what should be happening in the world around him. However, when alien races start invading the earth and people start going missing ARNIE and PARRIS face a race against time to save the world as they know it. Why are things happening that shouldn't be? How and why is ARNIE starting to feel pain? Just who is that watching in the shadows?
Series 2 Cinema Trailer Coming Soon...
I have now finished animating epsiodes 1 and 3 of Christel Doctor Who Series 2 and I am about 30-40% of the way through episode 7. This means that I am nicely on track to have the first production block finished before the end of December, which is just what I had planned.
Due to this fact I will also be producing the first 'cinema length' trailer for series 2 before the end of 2010. I can't give a confirmed date yet but it will be after Christmas and before the new year, so be on the look out for that.
In other news, the site is now making its way up to 10,000 hits so a very big thank you to all the people that have visited since the inception. I can't thank you enough, without, you the fans none of this would have worked.
Due to this fact I will also be producing the first 'cinema length' trailer for series 2 before the end of 2010. I can't give a confirmed date yet but it will be after Christmas and before the new year, so be on the look out for that.
In other news, the site is now making its way up to 10,000 hits so a very big thank you to all the people that have visited since the inception. I can't thank you enough, without, you the fans none of this would have worked.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Series 2 Split

The reasons for this are numerous, but basically it boils down to work load. I hope to have pretty much everything done by the start of the series but this split gives me a little time to tweak story lines and scripts for the second part whilst allowing you the viewer to catch up on or re-watch any episodes that you wish to.
Plus it also means that I can 'pull a Moffat' and leave episode 6 on a mini cliffhanger to keep people interested and ready for the second part. This also means that stories 4 and 5 will now form the first two-part story of the series and more news and info about these stories will follow with the second production block in the new year.
Monday, 20 December 2010
Christel Doctor Who of the Week - 11th Doctor Mistake
Although The 11th Doctor makes a brief appearance at the end of the first special. He is actually in the episode at the beginning. When the 10th Doctor crosses the road to get cash a police car drives past with the 11th Doctor at the wheel. This was actually a mistake, but I left it in as I noticed whilst the episode was uploading. I think now, knowing the overall arc for the specials that it works quite well.
The Weeping Angels Christel Stylee
As I announced yesterday I have now finished animating episode 1 of series 2 and post production has started in earnest today. I am posting now with a sneak peek of the Christel Doctor Who Weeping Angels. There are only two featured in the episode and hopefully they will capture the imagination like the ones in the real Doctor Who did. Pictures are below, let me know what you think...

Episode 1 production finished
I am pleased to announce that as of today I have finished 'filming' (animating) episode one of series 2. Hearts of Stone will see the return of the fearsome Weeping Angels and although they have proved a challenge to animate I am hoping that they will prove a hit with you the fans.
Tomorrow I will set about editing the episode and adding the subtitles. I shall also post some sneak peeks of what the angels will look like. Thank you also for the comments and praise concerning How the Doctor Stole Christmas, I am glad people are enjoying it.
Tomorrow I will set about editing the episode and adding the subtitles. I shall also post some sneak peeks of what the angels will look like. Thank you also for the comments and praise concerning How the Doctor Stole Christmas, I am glad people are enjoying it.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
How the Doctor Stole Christmas
So Here it is, the Christel Doctor Who Christmas Special, How the Doctor Stole Christmas. The story is presented in two parts as it has been uploaded through youtube but hopefully this will give the impression of HD image quality and improve the viewing experience for all.
Make sure you watch the whole episode for two very special treats. Enjoy...
Part 1
Part 2
Make sure you watch the whole episode for two very special treats. Enjoy...
Part 1
Part 2
Saturday, 18 December 2010
How the Doctor Stole Christmas Synopsis
As I write this I am putting the very last finishing touches to the first Christel Doctor Who Christmas special. The episode will be aired tomorrow on this blog and also feature a series 2 teaser trailer. Today I am posting with the plot synopsis for the episode, enjoy...
Christmas is cancelled! The Doctor is being hunted and something just isn't quite right at UNIT Headquarters. When the Doctor and Tabitha land at Christmas they soon become embroiled in a twisted plot to bring down the Doctor and slur his name. To add to this something else is stirring in the background waiting for the opportunity to pounce.
Christmas is cancelled! The Doctor is being hunted and something just isn't quite right at UNIT Headquarters. When the Doctor and Tabitha land at Christmas they soon become embroiled in a twisted plot to bring down the Doctor and slur his name. To add to this something else is stirring in the background waiting for the opportunity to pounce.
Friday, 17 December 2010
More Episode Names Added...
Over the past few days, and as part of production block one, I have been updating episode names for series 2 of Christel Doctor Who. The newest title released was episode 10, The lying old Witch in the Wardrobe and I can reveal that this will be the traditional 'Doctor-Lite' episode before the (3 part) finale.
I can also exclusively reveal that episode 6 will be called Memoirs of a timelord and this should prove a very interesting and experimental episode. I'm going to keep the majority of the information about this episode under wraps for now but hopefully the title will spark some debate.
Thats it for now. Be sure to check back over the weekend for the release of the Christmas Special, How the Doctor Stole Christmas, and an exclusive sneak peek at series 2.
I can also exclusively reveal that episode 6 will be called Memoirs of a timelord and this should prove a very interesting and experimental episode. I'm going to keep the majority of the information about this episode under wraps for now but hopefully the title will spark some debate.
Thats it for now. Be sure to check back over the weekend for the release of the Christmas Special, How the Doctor Stole Christmas, and an exclusive sneak peek at series 2.
Introducing - Ralph Tunney
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
More Series 2 Work Done
Over the last few days work has stepped up on script writing for the second series of Christel Doctor Who. Episode 1, Hearts of Stone is now finished and I have written the opening title sequence for episode 2, which I can exclusively reveal, will be called Plight of the Wolflar. I am animating in small chunks as well but have taken a momentary break to focus on writing and finishing off the Christmas Special.
In other news I am very pleased to say that BlueDalek has done a massive feature on Christel Doctor Who in his latest fanzine and I implore you to check it out on his blog (here). Thanks to BlueDalek for doing this as it really helps to promote the series.
I will also be making small changes to the sidebar over the next few hours. I shall start putting up series 2 episode names.
In other news I am very pleased to say that BlueDalek has done a massive feature on Christel Doctor Who in his latest fanzine and I implore you to check it out on his blog (here). Thanks to BlueDalek for doing this as it really helps to promote the series.
I will also be making small changes to the sidebar over the next few hours. I shall start putting up series 2 episode names.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Christel Doctor Who of the Week - Throne Room
The throne room set seen in both The Game of Rassilon and Legends of a Timelord is actually based on Queen Amidala's throne room from Star Wars Episode 1.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Christmas will be Cancelled
Don't worry its not actually canceled but that is the tag line to the first ever Christel Doctor Who Christmas Special. Below is the trailer for the episode, which is called How the Doctor Stole Christmas, and it shows a few snippets of the episode and hints at to how the Doctor gets into a rather tricky situation. Be sure to check back on December 20th for the full story...
Friday, 10 December 2010
Christmas Special Trailer on Sunday
A trailer for the first Christel Doctor Who Christmas special will be aired on Sunday. How the Doctor Stole Christmas will then be premiered here on Christel Films the following weekend, and attached to that will be a sneak peek of what is to come for series 2 of Christel Doctor Who in 2011. All in all then there is a lot to look forward to.
If that isn't enough make sure you check out Burkey's Doctor Who series. He has shown the opening sequence to his first episode and so far it looks rather good.I am writing for that series and will release more info about my episode in the new year.
If that isn't enough make sure you check out Burkey's Doctor Who series. He has shown the opening sequence to his first episode and so far it looks rather good.I am writing for that series and will release more info about my episode in the new year.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Production Update
After a bout of flu halted production temporarily I am now on the mend and starting to do a few more little bits to series 2. I have now animated the pre-title sequences of episodes 1,3 and 7 and have added both the subtitles and music to both episodes 1 and 7.
I have shifted episode 1 up to this block as I finished the script in good time and thought it might be a good idea to get it out of the way whilst I had some time.
More news to follow soon including a new set report, stay tuned.
I have shifted episode 1 up to this block as I finished the script in good time and thought it might be a good idea to get it out of the way whilst I had some time.
More news to follow soon including a new set report, stay tuned.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Christel Doctor Who of the Week - 11th Doctor

During the flashback scene in episode 6 of series 1 (ARNIE), in which ARNIE shows all of the 11 Doctors, he shows Matt Smith's Doctor as the 11th Doctor instead of the one standing before him. When the Doctor challenges him about the apparent oversight ARNIE dismisses him out of hand. The reason for this error is unknown...
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Introducing Shelia and Arthur Renton
Filming has moved on with production block this week and this 'set report' will debut pictures of two characters who will be appearing in Blinks episode, Death on the Line, which will be episode 3 of Series 2.
They are called Arthur and Shelia Renton and play pivotal roles to the plot. They are father and daughter and have quite a fraught relationship.

They are called Arthur and Shelia Renton and play pivotal roles to the plot. They are father and daughter and have quite a fraught relationship.

Thursday, 2 December 2010
Christel Doctor Who of the Week
Today I am launching a new series of weekly posts called Christel Doctor Who of the Week. Combom does something similiar on his truly magnificent blog (here) and I intend to do the same, but with Christel Doctor Who, with these posts.
It will just be little titbits for series 2, little plot reminders from series 1 and other such interesting little facts etc. Anyways, hope you enjoy. Below is the first post, with an ARNIE theme as the series launched recently.
Christel Doctor Who of the Week - ARNIE's real first appearance.
Although ARNIE's first appearance in the Christel Doctor Who universe is credited as episode 6 of series 1, both he and PARRIS actually make an appearance in episode 2, sins of the Fathers. Just after Timothy, Tabitha and the Doctor depart the subway station PARRIS and ARNIE enter and express their disappointment and just missing the Doctor. This in turn means that given ARNIE series 1 starts in the modern day and sins of the father is set in the distant future that the meeting is yet to happen for ARNIE and PARRIS in their timestream.
It will just be little titbits for series 2, little plot reminders from series 1 and other such interesting little facts etc. Anyways, hope you enjoy. Below is the first post, with an ARNIE theme as the series launched recently.
Christel Doctor Who of the Week - ARNIE's real first appearance.
Although ARNIE's first appearance in the Christel Doctor Who universe is credited as episode 6 of series 1, both he and PARRIS actually make an appearance in episode 2, sins of the Fathers. Just after Timothy, Tabitha and the Doctor depart the subway station PARRIS and ARNIE enter and express their disappointment and just missing the Doctor. This in turn means that given ARNIE series 1 starts in the modern day and sins of the father is set in the distant future that the meeting is yet to happen for ARNIE and PARRIS in their timestream.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
A (Slight) break from tradition
As you know production for series 2 of Christel Doctor Who got underway last weekend and I am pleased to report that things are going well. I have already shot both pre-title sequences for episodes Death on the Line (Blink's episode) and Picnic at Asgard (Burkey's Episode). Whilst production of these episodes continues I have also spent some time fine tuning the overall plot arc and storyline for the finale.
After some deliberation I have decided to go with a three part series finale and break form the tradition of the usual two-parter. With so much to cram into the final stories and a LOT of points to bring together I thought it best to go this way than to rush and miss things out.
This also means that I am now no-longer looking for a guest writer to write a two part story, and indeed I have had offers to fill the spot now left vacant after DanHarma went quite, which I will of course keep you updated on.
In other news I am pleased to see that episode 1 of ARNIE has recieved rave reviews, thanks for all the comments recieved so far, they are much appreciated, I have to have episode 2 ready before the new year and 3 just after.
After some deliberation I have decided to go with a three part series finale and break form the tradition of the usual two-parter. With so much to cram into the final stories and a LOT of points to bring together I thought it best to go this way than to rush and miss things out.
This also means that I am now no-longer looking for a guest writer to write a two part story, and indeed I have had offers to fill the spot now left vacant after DanHarma went quite, which I will of course keep you updated on.
In other news I am pleased to see that episode 1 of ARNIE has recieved rave reviews, thanks for all the comments recieved so far, they are much appreciated, I have to have episode 2 ready before the new year and 3 just after.
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