Hopefully it will be up for tomorrow, my apologies for the delays and thank you for your paitence.
Monday, 31 May 2010
A.RN.I.E. Tomorrow
My apologize that episode 6 is not up yet but I did have it ready for Sunday only for my computer to go and promptly delete it. Therefore I have been frantically running around trying to re-animate and edit it.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
A.R.N.I.E Snippets and Information
With episode 6, A.R.N.I.E. being released at the weekend I am posting with the episode snippets, however firstly I need to point out that this episode is going to feel like Victory of the Daleks, namely like it should have a part 2, it won't get a part two but this is done for a reason which you will find out very soon. Secondly, this episode also has a lot of references to a number of different story arcs and may leave some people a tad confused, this really isn't the intention but I want it to be an episode that can be watched for a second time at a later date and viewed as key to many different stories.
Enjoy this week snippets,
1. ARNIE knows the Doctor, but the Doctor does not know ARNIE.
2. A flashback scene, and it had to be done, but there is something very strange at the end. Very strange indeed!
3. ARNIE has a neural perception filter, which means people see what they want to see, this proves quite interesting whilst he is walking down the street with Timothy.
4. Stunt driver Doctor!
5. TAXI!! (I'm afraid its another 'keep watching until the end' moment, but hopefully you'll like it)
And episode 6 will bring us to the halfway point in the series and therefore mean the three week mid season break will kick in. I shall be using this time to finish scripts for the remaining episodes and make announcements about other Christel Doctor Who related projects. There will not be a 'next time' trailer at the end of ARNIE but there will be 2, yes 2, mid season trailers released during the mid-season break.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Series 1 - Episode 5 - Adam and Eve

I am pleased to present episode 5, Adam and eve, for your viewing pleasure. This is the second part of the story that started with episode 4 and I hope, as the first two-parter of the series, that it holds up to hopes and expectations. Enjoy.
Watch Episode 5 - Adam and Eve in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
p.s. remeber, keep watching right until the very end.
Apologies for the Delays
Hi all, I must apologise for not having episode 5 up yet but I have a lot of trouble with the uploader that I use. I am pleased to say that it is uploading now and (touch wood) should be ready by about 7-8 o clock time gmt.
Thanks for your patience I hope you like the episode. Remember to watch right until the very end.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Episode 5 - Plot Snippets
With Episode, Adam and Eve being released at the weekend I am posting today with the plot snippets to whet appetites. Enjoy...
1. The Doctor wakes up to find he has a new friend...who has met him before.
2. We do indeed get to find out what the package was/is/might be.
3. There is (what I beleieve to be a wonderful) a speech by the Doctor detailing the complexities of time travel to watch out for.
4. Once you find out why this episode is called Adam and Eve hopefully it will tug at heart strings.
5. Make sure you keep watching, right until the VERY end.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Rave Reviews for the Evangilists
I am proud to say that the first review has been written of a Christel Doctor Who episode. DanHarma has graciously reviewed the episode on his blog and written a really detailed, yet spoiler free review of the episode. He also gave it 9/10 which is fantastic!! Please be sure to head over and read it here I am so proud. I can't thank Dan enough for his effort, support and of course, this glowing review.
Episode 5, Adam and Eve will be out this weekend and see the culmination of this two part story, so be sure to check back tomorrow for the episode snippets.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Episode 4 - Flight of the Evangilists
I am pleased to present episode 4 of Christel Doctor Who, Flight of the Evangilists. Episode 5, and part 2, to follow next week.
Watch Flight of the Evangilists in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Enjoy and comment (please be gentle)
EDIT - Plus check out this fantastic DVD cover as produced by Blink. See it HERE
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
4000 hits and Some publicity
I am feverishly working on Episodes 4 and 5 at the moment but I had to post to announce that I have now pasted the four thousand hit mark and so thank you to everyone that has visited the site so far and to all that will do in the future.
Christel Doctor Who has also been receiving some very positive reviews from some very prestigious visitors such as blink and DanHarma and the latter of the two did mention he may do a review of Prince of the West at some point so be sure to check back regularly for updates. Please also be sure to visit at the weekend when episode 4, Flight of the Evangilists will be aired.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
2010 Christmas Special and Series 2
With series 1 well underway and receiving good reviews I have started turning my attention towards the future of Christel Doctor Who. I can announce that there will be a christmas special this year. I have already written the story and I think it will work really well as a Christmas story, the only thing really to do is decide upon a title for it.
As far as series 2 goes I am now beginning to radically rethink it. My original intention was to wait to see how series 1 went and then does series 2 at some point next year (2011) if it got good enough reviews, however since series 1 has kicked off I know have a number of guest writers confirmed for series 2 and some pretty big storylines, so I am considering doing series 2 later this year. This would mean finishing series 1 early August time and then starting series 2 in the last week of September at the latest with some mid-week epsiode releases to get finished in time for Christmas. at the moment this is only a idea but I do have more stories written and it really depends on you (the fans) and how much more you want to see.
In the meantime I can tell you that I have all but finished 'Flight of the Evangilists' and 'Adam and Eve'. FotE will be released next weekned with Adam and Eve the week after. After that episode 6 (ARNIE) will bring us to the halfway point in the series and there will then be a three week break (Im going on holiday) before episodes 7-13 take place. However there will be a "Mid-season trailer" at some point in the three weeks to whet appetites.
More News Soon.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Flight of the Evangilists
Watch Flight of the Evangilists in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Plot snippets.
1. The planet at the beginning may look familiar, but thats because it used to...(You'll see)
2. Lizard-space men!!
3. At one point a flashback is used to setup the story.
4. One characters first words are "Hey, who turned out the lights?"
5. Timothy is sent on a very interesting errand at the very beginning of the episode. One that should be remembered.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Episode 4 News
Although I had every intention to release episode 4, Flight of the Evangilists this weekend I am very grieved to announce that I am having a major computer and internet overhaul and so will be unable to do anything until the week after. I shall continue to post on here from my (Very old) laptop but unfortunately episode 4 will be delayed by a week. My apologies for this and thank you in advance for everyone who has been watching and supporting the series so far.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Episode 3 - Prince of the West
I am pleased to present (albeit a day late) Christel Doctor Who episode 3, Prince of the West. Hopefully I have cracked the subtitle length and size. This episode is the longest so far weighing in at just under 18 minutes, although originally it was well over 20. Enjoy...
Watch Prince of the West in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Prince of the West in Animation | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Episode 3 - Today I promise!
My apologies for not posting episode 3 yesterday I was unexpectedly out all day and could not upload it. I shall upload today and it should be on here later this evening. Again my apologies and thank you for the continued support from everyone.
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