Sunday 27 December 2009

How would I do the End of Time Part 2?

Although I very rrarely write about the real Doctor Who on here I am a writer (Or at least would like to think so) and so after watching the truly brilliant end of time part 1 I had a stab in the dark at how I would do part 2. I don't know what IS going to happen, I haven't seen the episode...this is just purely how I would write it based on what I saw...

The Master Race - I think this is easily solvable and wont actually be key to the overall plot. I would have the Doctor and WILF escape to the basement and help the Vinvocci to 'reverse the polarity' or something similar. WILF could then stand in the bottom of the gate and correct the problem.

The Timelords - Blatantly resurrected the Master during the time war to be the ultimate warrior. But I think they did so as well to help them find the Doctor. Smarting after they learned the Doctor had the power to destroy Galifrey I think they took the entire planet out of time and space at the exact moment the Doctor destroyed it. Since Dalek Caan broke the timelock on the time war Gallifrey is bleeding back through. They now hunt the Doctor down to stop him destroying them and force him to regenerate for trying to do so anyway at the end of the time war.

The Woman in white that only WILF can see - If I had my way this would be Romana. She was head of the timelord high council when they went to war with the Daleks but now there is no mention of her. I would play it out as though she has been deposed by Timothy Dalton's character and she is contacting WILF to help the Doctor. At the end she reveals herself and leads the now saved timelords.

The Regeneration - See Below

The Master - Would almost definitely have to face off against the Doctor in a fight to the death. I don't really know what role he is going to play in the whole thing. Could have been sent by the timelords to trap the doctor but I would like to think that he will eventually convince the Doctor to save him anyway and then possibly be either trapped by the timelords or regenerate himself.

The Knocking Four Times - The Ninth Doctor! I know I know, cliche. But think about it...time is bleeding, Russell T Davies has always said he wanted to reset for Moffat and I think this would be the perfect way. 10 visits all of his companions for the last time and then 9 knocks on the door, tricked by the timelords the two 'merge' and regenerate into the eleventh Doctor, therefore canceling out the events of the last four series and leaving Moffat with a slate clean enough to eat his dinner off.

Part two tomorrow including how I would write for Donna, WILF and the head of the Timelord council. Meanwhile enjoy, comment and debate (please)

1 comment:

Patar said...

cool! I don't want Romana though, other than the Time Lords (including the Master) I don't think RTD would bring back any other specific characters. Looks AwEsOmE though