Thursday 24 June 2010

Episode 7,8 and 10 Synopsis

I am slowly getting to the stage where the second half of the series is ready to roll and so to makeup for not posting for a while I am writing today with the plot synopsis for episode 7, Hotel Gothika and episode which starts the cybermen two part story set in World War 2 (I know I know, Victory of the Daleks was set in world war 2 but this is completely different believe you me). If have therefore skipped over episode 9's synopsis to avoid giving too much away and posted episode 10's as well. Enjoy and comment at will.

7. Hotel Gothika

There are strange goings on in Hotel Gothika. People go in, people come out, then they disappear. Tabitha Mortimer is reunited with a not-so-old flame as the TARDIS crew try to find out what is happening behind some very mysterious closed doors…What is so fascinating about the televisions? Who is at the heart of the disappearances? And who is that in the darkness waiting for the puzzle to complete?

8. The Helsinki Incident

Something is wrong in the war ravaged streets of Helsinki. An immortal legion of axis super soldiers is marching on the allies and time is running out. When Winston Churchill summons the Doctor to investigate the problem things soon start going from bad to worse. The 11th Doctor faces one of his oldest enemies for the first time in Christel Doctor Who. How are the cybermen here? What and who are they fighting for? What is their ultimate plan?

10. Curse of a Timelord

The TARDIS lands at a time preset by the Doctor, however he does not remember doing it. As the Doctor delves deeper into the mysterious behaviour of his beloved machine Timothy Jackson is having his own problems, flashbacks, memories and visions of things that are all too familiar. As things develop at an alarming rate one thing soon becomes clear. Timothy is remembering more than he should and that could spell the end of his time with the Doctor.

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