Friday 23 July 2010

Episode 9 - The Metal Legion

Okay...After a long delay due to work commitments and then having half of it wiped and then finding that veoh rejected the episode because of some copyright infringement (Although god knows what) I have finally managed to upload episode 9. I should point out that the episode has a very limited soundtrack as I had to remove the majority of the music for Veoh to stop rejecting it. I have also had to upload it to youtube in two parts because Veoh is now refusing to upload anything I throw at it, eek! Once the series has finished I will go over this in more detail and re-release the episode. Parts 1 and 2 are embedded below.

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

As far as the rest of the series go am I now on summer hols and so I'm going to try and ramp up the release rate, meaning more episodes at a quicker rate and not just every weekend. In the meantime...enjoy episode 9, as ever comments and mentions all gratefully recieved.

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