Sunday 22 August 2010

Episode 12 Plot Snippets

I should first start this post with an apology that episode 12, The Game of Rassilon has not been released yet. But I have fallen foul of constantly reviewing and redrafting the script. The episode should be with us on Tuesday at the latest.

In the meantime here are the 5 plot snippets to get you thinking...

1. A nice reminder of what has gone on so far is then greeted by the strangest of really won't be expecting this...I hope.

2. The puzzle is complete...and whatsmore it gets explained?

3. That pesky timelord still wants to get his hand on one more thing. The chase begins.

4. The Doctor makes the dreadful realisation of what is going to happen. Events unfold at an alarming rate.

5. There is a very nice line from ****** at the end as everything goes VERY wrong.

And so ends part one of the finale. I can promise that some things will be explained but hopefully you will still be scratching your heads about a few. I can promise shocks aplenty though!

P.S. Look out for a dormitory that I had lots of fun designing!

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