Saturday 22 January 2011

Series 2 Episode Synopsis

In an attempt to make up for my recent lack of activity on this blog I am posting today with brief episode synopsis' of the first 6 episodes of series 2 of Christel Doctor Who. This was something that the BBC did with Doctor Who before Matt Smith's first season and was something I swore I would do to. So, here goes.

S201 - Hearts of Stone
A message from the past leads to an alarming sequence of events in the future. Yet as the tragedy of Ralph Tunney's life begins unfolding, it is soon clear that something is stirring in the museum, and the fraternity are watching.

S202 - Plight of the Wolflar
The wolflar are lost...terrified and desperate and that makes them more dangerous than anything...and as the Doctor is about to find out...they will do anything to anyone to get home.

S203 - Death on the Line
In the 1940's Sheila Renton lost her son to a gruesome train accident...yet as the Doctor and Tabitha know the story could of been very different. In a race against time the Doctor and Tabitha face the most difficult question of all...who survives?

S204 AND S205 - The Horus Heresy and Eye of the Beholder
As the Doctor resumes his guardianship of the Harmonica they are faced with a most terrible realisation...Their greatest legend is being retold, and somebody or something, is changing the story.

S206 - Memoirs of a Timelord

Its decision time for the Doctor; When a memory from a time long forgotten resurfaces he must face an awful and terrifying truth. Seeing an old friend one more time could mean asking his companion an impossible favor.

These are the basic synopsis, and closer to the time of release of each episode I will post more in depth, but for now they give an idea of how the first part of the series will pan out.

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