Monday 14 March 2011

Internet Problems :( (Every Cloud and all that...)

I am currently having severe internet connection problems and so posting can only be done when my connection decides to work. I am in the process of changing over to BT for my internet but as you can imagine nothing is easy and so I may not be posting regularly until it is sorted. Rest assured, Christel Doctor Who series 2 will still be launched on April 23rd and I shall still be posting the new series 2 trailer at some point before that.

All of this downtime has not been wasted though. I know have the entirety of the first half of series 2 filmed and sitting ready to be edited. This means I'll go back and start on episode 1 now and work my way through. Plus, I have also written 2/3 of the three part finale...and even though it sounds big headed, I love it, hopefully you will to.

Well, that is pretty much it for now. My internet should be sorted in about a weeks time. Thank you for your patience and support in the meantime.

I also implore you to check out Blink's new trailer for his animated series here.

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