Friday 9 December 2011

Episode 2 plot snippets

Here the 5 plot snippets for episode 2, The Evil of a Timelord. This episode for me, is where the story really kicks off. I had to do a lot of setup in the first episode and needed to move everything into place so to speak. Now I have done that everything is ready to take off, and take off it will.

1. Your going to see ARNIE, Roger and Jack Harkness in this episode. They are all called in for thier expertise and know how. ARNIE's story pretty much picks straight up from the end of his first series.

2. The whole sonic screwdriver conundrum still rumbles on. That was the idea don't worry. It wasn't something that I have overlooked and will actually be pretty important in the end.

3. This is quite a shocking episode in that it shows you just what you could be capable of if you gave in to temptation.

4. There is a very amusing moment where two very different people both tell Jack "not now". Perhaps they aren't that different after all.

5. They were mentioned in series 4 of "real" Doctor Who. Now you get to see my interpretation of them, and what they can do. They will bring about cliffhanger number two.

(Bonus number) 6. Look at the "next episode" segment at the end. Do you recognize the house? Answers on a postcard please.

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