Tuesday 24 January 2012

Kualan's Doctor Who

When I decided that I was going to begin mini-reviews on other pieces of Doctor Who Fan-fiction I knew at some point that I would have to cover the series that is the subject of this post. That being Kualans Doctor Who.

Without doubt, this series stands alone as the inspiration for Christel Doctor Who, and I imagine most other Movies-Stunts-and-Effects based series that have existed since. Running to just one series and a Christmas Special, a second series was planned, and a trailer was released, but unfortunately it never saw the light of day. The first series however is a triumph in the fact that it does the basics really well. The visuals aren't mind-blowing, but they achieve the desired look and feel and the story isn't over-complicated. Doctor meets companion, has adventures, huge finale! What more could you want?

My only criticism of the series was that towards the end there was almost too much packed in and the simplicity factor was lost slightly. The Master and the Daleks made a great combination, but then there was an awkward scene with the 10th Doctor reverse-regenerating into the 9th, and for a while, the whole thing descended into fanwnak. Despite this, and for me, the series still remains one of my favourites to watch, and is responsible for Christel Doctor Who and Burkey's series at least.

The first episode of this series is available to watch here http://www.veoh.com/watch/v12001079dwPAanCm and introduces the new companion, a Unit officer by the name of Chloe Winters. The other episodes are all available to watch on the website if you click the link at the top of this post.

Unfortunately it all died a death before the second series ever came to light. The trailer looked promising and with guest writers, including Burkey, onboard the creator Kualan even muted the possibility of voice acting, but it was not to be. Here's hoping that one day he will find the time to resurrect the series. Although that seems highly improbable there is still an opportunity to see small snippets of what series 2 may have looked like, because Burkey has found the original draft he did as a guest writer and is re-writing the episode and using it for his series.

P.S. If you are reading this now Kualan, I'd love you to write for Christel Doctor Who.

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