Friday 13 April 2012

CDW Series 4 will be voiced (hopefully)

After declaring the other day that I was unsure about whether to voice series 4 of Christel Doctor Who or not I have thought long and hard about the pros and cons and decided to stick with it. To that end, I am pleased to announce that voice auditions have opened for the three main roles of series 4 on the Voice Actors Alliance Forums, thats right the THREE main roles.

Obviously the first is the Doctor, but the second and third are that of his two new companions Fletcher Reed and an alien girl named Mystus. I am not going to give too much information away about these characters yet but as you can see it does confirm that the "TARDIS crew" will be back up to three full time members for series 4. 

You can find the audition thread here. I shall also be updating the series 4 section of the sidebar with the info about Fletcher and Mystus soon.

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