Thursday 6 May 2010

Flight of the Evangilists

Even though episode 4 Flight of the Evangilists were delayed by a week I am still really excited about episodes 4 and 5. Not only because they are the first two part story of the series but because, from a personal perspective, they present an enthralling story. This is also the story that got the most people talking when the episode synopsis was released (especially DanHarma who said he wished he had thought of it himself, praise indeed).

Plot snippets.

1. The planet at the beginning may look familiar, but thats because it used to...(You'll see)

2. Lizard-space men!!

3. At one point a flashback is used to setup the story.

4. One characters first words are "Hey, who turned out the lights?"

5. Timothy is sent on a very interesting errand at the very beginning of the episode. One that should be remembered.

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