Thursday 21 July 2011

The Lying old Witch in the Wardrobe, Plot Snippets

What is now episode 9, The Lying old Witch in the Wardrobe will be aired on Sunday and so here are the usual 5 plot teasers. Remember, this is the doctor-lite episode and is now actually the last story before the finale starts, NEXT FRIDAY! :) Enjoy...

1. At the beginning of the episode the Doctor and Tabitha are looking for the Cardinal. Who as you may remember from a previous post, is actually another timelord.

2. All CS Lewis wants to do is sit down and read a good idea that back fires drastically.

3. Tomnoos, who it could be argued acts as the companion in this episode, does a lot of chasing around.

4. The TARDIS does something that we didn't know it could previously do.

5. I would like to think there are some very special "special effects" in this episode, especially in the penultimate scene.

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