Friday 30 December 2011

Ends of Days Easter Egg Trailer

A few weeks back, as part of the countdown to series 3 of Christel Doctor Who I posted a short "easter-egg" trailer that I had made for series 1. Well I have done the same for the end of series 3. As with the other trailer I have used an actual BBC trailer that (sort-of) fits the story that is to come and done my best to provide a short sneak of the final Christel Doctor Who series 3 episode.

Included in the trailer is some new footage from episode 6, so be sure to look out for that as well. Enjoy.

Now I do realise that the narrator lady actually talks about the tenth Doctor's final adventure but if you think about it, thats not too untrue, plus this is just an "easter-egg" so my excuse is that it doesn't have to fit completely. I hope you enjoyed it, I am hoping to have The End of Days up by midday tomorrow.

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