Tuesday 3 January 2012

Christel Doctor Who of the Week...ARNIE is who!?

I am going to be doing a number of CDW of the week posts simply to catch up on things that you may have missed during the final throws of series 3 of Christel Doctor Who. So much happened, especailly in the epically long episode 6, and I want to make sure that now we have pretty much a year off from CDW that you didn't miss anything.

Anyways, the first little thing was a comment from the Doctor to Tabitha during the last few moments on Gallifrey in episode 6. Believing ARNIE to be dead Tabitha seems shocked to hear the Doctor declare that she must find Parris as he will know to look for Kamelion and that will help to fix ARNIE. As you may or may not know, Kamelion is actually a cyborg character from the classic series. Infact he was a temporary companion of the 5th Doctor.

Here is his picture...
What we don't know yet is how, if at all, he is linked to ARNIE and how this helped Roger to eventually fix ARNIE. We only know that ARNIE was repaired because he was seen at the end of episode 6 performing the marriage service of Tabitha and Roger.

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